Unlock Hip Flexor Tightness & Pain in 90 Seconds! In Bed.
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Do you have tight hip flexors? Try this technique to unlock your hip flexor tightness in 90 seconds. Bob & Brad run you through a stretching technique to help release your hip flexor muscles and decrease pain. You can even do it in your bed.

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Video Rating: / 5

Are you someone who experiences tightness in the front of your hips or are looking to improve hip extension range of motion?

In this video, we review the anatomy and function of the hip flexors, how you can objectively assess for potential limitations, and what are some of the best exercise for improving range of motion in this area.

The following muscles are primarily responsible for flexing the hip: iliopsoas, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae latae (TFL), sartorius, adductor longus, and pectineus muscles.

Hip flexion is in reference to drawing the femur closer to the pelvic (i.e. lifting leg) and moving pelvis closer to the femur (i.e. anterior pelvic tilt). Additionally, due to its attachments, the iliopsoas muscle also assists in trunk flexion.

Possessing adequate hip extension range of motion can be an important consideration for performance during various athletic activities, such as with sprinting. Additionally it can allow you to express more movement variability or explore more movement options that you may not be able to do otherwise. There is not a set amount of hip extension everyone should strive for, but rather how much you need is dependent on your desired activities and goals. For some, just a few degrees might be appropriate while others may benefit from more.

Hip tightness is a subjective experience, and by itself, is not indicative of a problem. The video will review some strategies for assessing limitation in hip extension, but it is possible the sensation of tightness can exist without an actual limitation in hip movement. However, if reducing or altering this sensation is important to you, then some of these same exercises used to improve hip extension can also be helpful.

Intro: 0:00
Anatomy and Function: 0:28
Objective Testing: 1:50
Exercises: 4:26

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Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for medical counseling but intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.
Video Rating: / 5

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