Archive for the tag: Build

The Best Meal Plan To Build Muscle Faster (EAT LIKE THIS!)

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You need to make sure you’re accomplishing 3 things for an effective muscle building diet plan: eating at a slight calorie deficit, eating adequate protein every day, and not eating like complete crap. These will account for let’s say 90% of the muscle growth you experience from your bulking meal plan. But what muscle building foods and nutrition tips can we incorporate to get that extra 10%? Well, there are a few additional things we can do when it comes to how to diet to gain muscle and what to eat to build muscle faster that can help speed up the muscle building process. And I’ll show you exactly how to do just that and provide you with a sample muscle building meal plan here.

The first thing you’ll want to do for an effective muscle building diet plan is take your daily protein intake and spread that out into ideally 4-5 meals throughout the day with each of them having a minimum of 20g of protein. It also makes sense to ingest an adequate amount of protein shortly before sleep since that’s the longest period you’ll go without food. That’s also why you might want to bias a little more of your daily protein towards this pre-sleep meal with at least 40g of slow digesting protein.

The next tip here is to incorporate “muscle building foods”. First, you want to opt for high quality protein sources that are not only high in leucine content, but also high in digestibility. In addition to this, you can opt for more unsaturated fats as opposed to saturated fats, which may bias more of the weight you put on to be muscle as opposed to fat. Olive oil and salmon specifically are two unsaturated fat sources I’d highly recommend incorporating in your muscle building diet.

Now the last tip when it comes to how to diet to gain muscle here is to periodize your diet. Although we want most of the weight you put on to be muscle, it will always come with a bit of fat gain with it. And as your body fat creeps up during a bulk, you actually become less efficient at putting on muscle. Meaning, that as you continue to gain weight and your body fat slowly creeps up, then it would be best to occasionally “re-sensitize” your body for more efficient growth by stripping off some of the excess fat you put on before you continue to focus on gaining more weight again.

So, to sum up all the muscle building nutrition tips covered:

1. Evenly distribute your protein throughout the day into 4-5 meals, each consisting of at least 20g of a high quality protein source. Biasing more of your protein (at least 40g) towards a pre-sleep meal is also a good idea to stimulate protein synthesis overnight.

2. Optimize your food choices. Opt for higher quality protein sources and incorporate more unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat (olive and salmon oil may be the most beneficial). This may enable more of the weight you gain to be muscle as opposed to fat.

3. Periodize your diet by transitioning through phases of a calorie surplus (e.g. 3 months) with phases of a calorie deficit (e.g. 1 month). This way you’ll be able to occasionally re-sensitize your body to put on muscle more efficiently.

All in all, guys, I hope that you were able to see that it’s the little details like this that really do make all the difference in the long run. And for a step-by-step program that shows you not only how to approach your diet and what to eat, but also pairs this with a weekly workout plan so that you can build lean muscle as efficiently as possible with science, then simply take the analysis quiz to discover which science-based program would be best for you and where your body is currently at below:


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Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo


Video Rating: / 5

How To Eat To Build Muscle & Lose Fat (Lean Bulking Full Day Of Eating)

The Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition IS AVAILABLE NOW!

More info on the nutrition guide:

This 250+ page Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition includes everything you need to know about:

• How to set up calories & macros for recomp
• What foods to eat
• Nutrient timing (pre/post workout, pre-bed, etc.)
• Refeeds/carb cycling
• Feeding vs fasting
• Supplementation
• How to self-coach
• And much, much, more!

If you want to learn how to transform your body by building muscle while losing fat, this is the ultimate science-based guide to do it! It includes:

• 15 Chapters and over 300 Pages
• Sample Meal Plans
• Specifics on Your Pre and Post Workout Nutrition
• A Progress Tracking Sheet
• A Guide for Maximizing Recovery Factors (Sleep, stress, etc.)
• A full chapter on solving “Skinny Fat”

▹ ▹

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My recommended Multivitamin:
‣ Men’s:
‣ Women’s:

My recommended fish oil:

Protein 4 Oats

Mom’s Chili:


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Alan Aragon’s Research Review Dec 2013 Issue:
Jorn’s Phd dissertation:
The Protein Book by Lyle McDonald:

Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3

Rashaun’s YouTube:


About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 12 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
Video Rating: / 5

How To Build Muscle For $8/Day (HEALTHY MEAL PREP ON A BUDGET)

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How To Build Muscle For /Day (HEALTHY MEAL PREP ON A BUDGET)

There’s a common misconception out there that eating healthy (and tasty) on a budget is impossible. But that’s not true. You can, in fact, meal prep on a budget. I’m going to show you exactly how you can build an effective and healthy budget-friendly meal prep plan for just over .00/day (.39)–complete with budget meals recipes. So, the first thing we need to do to make our meal prep budget friendly is choose the right food sources. I’ve listed out what the most friendly protein, fats, and carbs options are in the video and you want to use those sources to design your meal prep on a budget.

So, knowing that, let’s put this into practice and dive into our budget meals recipes. The meal plan will consist of 4 main meals with at least 20g of protein within each meal in order to keep our muscle protein synthesis levels elevated throughout the day. The total equates to 2,700 calories and roughly 160g of protein.

Meal #1: Breakfast Smoothie (.70)

2 tbsp (30g) Peanut Butter: .16
2 cups (500mL) 2% Milk: .30
1 banana: .16
1/3 cup (30g) Oats: .08
1 scoop (35g) Whey Protein: .00

766 calories, 55g protein, 78g carbs, 29g fat

Meal #2: Egg Stir Fry (.51)

3 whole eggs: .42
½ cup (~100g) uncooked brown rice: .45
1 chicken stock cube: .06
½ (~45g) cup carrots: .12
½ (~45g) cup celery: .20
½ (~45g) cup cabbage: .14
3-4 tbsp soy sauce: .08
2 tsp garlic powder: .04

602 calories, 27g protein, 81g carbs, 18g fat

Meal #3 Fajita Bowl (.84)

½ cup (~100g) uncooked brown rice: .45
1 chicken stock cube: .06
4oz (~110g) raw diced chicken breast: .10
1 green pepper: .48
1 diced sweet onion: .28
1 cup (~230g) canned pinto beans: .30
¼ cup (~100g) salsa: .11
Seasoning: .06

782 calories, 48g protein, 130g carbs, 8g fat

Meal #4 Ground Turkey Sweet Potato Dish (.34)

4.5 ounces (~125g) raw ground turkey (93/7): .76
10oz (280g) raw diced sweet potato: .73
1 cup (~150g) fresh green beans: .69
1 tbsp (15mL) olive oil: .06
Seasoning: .10

560 calories, 30g protein, 58g carbs, 24g fat

So now that we’ve gone through the budget-friendly meal prep plan, let’s go over some important information as to how to actually implement it. What I’d recommend is meal prepping the 3 meals but not the smoothie and instead just making that fresh as it takes just 5 minutes to do and will taste a lot better. I’d also recommend prepping these meals to be good for 3 days.

Next, let’s cover how to add some variety to it. Doing this is actually quite simple and can be done by just swapping out some of your protein, carb, or fat sources in your meal for an equivalent amount of another budget friendly food source instead (I have a chart of them in the video). In addition to this, experiment with different seasonings, sauces, and veggies for each dish as well.

Lastly, let’s cover how to tweak the calories and macros of this meal prep plan to better suit you while still being budget friendly. Basically, you want to prioritize aiming for around 1g of protein per lb of your bodyweight and a calorie intake of your bodyweight in lbs multiplied by around 15-17. Once you have these two targets set, you can simply increase or decrease the portions of the meals in this plan as needed.

Hopefully, you were able to see that eating healthy while at the same time keeping it tasty can indeed be done on a budget. And for a step-by-step program that puts this all together for you by showing you not only how to train to build muscle, but also shows you exactly what to eat, how much to eat, and then how to adjust this overtime so that you can build muscle as efficiently as possible just like several of our members have done with their Built With Science programs, then simply take the analysis quiz to discover which science-based program would be best for you and where your body is currently at below:


Subscribe to my channel here:

Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo



0:00 – Budget friendly food sources
2:00 – Budget friendly grocery stores
2:40 – Overview of meal plan
3:00 – Meal #1
3:33 – Meal #2
4:35 – Meal #3
5:33 – Meal #4
6:30 – How to meal prep
7:58 – Food swaps
8:42 – Customizing macros
9:50 – Download meal plan
10:10 – Watch me!

Weight Training : How to Build Rotator Cuff Strength

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Building up the strength of a rotator cuff can be accomplished with a few specific types of exercises. Build rotator cuff strength with help from a long time personal trainer in this free video clip.

Expert: Bryan Francis
Bio: Bryan Francis has been a successful personal trainer for over 11 years now, and has achieved numerous advanced credentials, which has allowed him to work with high school and professional athletes.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Series Description: Weight training can be a great way to work out all areas of your body, from your shoulder muscles all the way down to your hamstrings. Find out all you need to know about weight training with help from a longtime personal trainer in this free video series.

Barefoot exercises such as standing on one foot, without without calf raises or other variations, can help you build strength in your feet. Get a foothold on fitness with the aid of this free video on personal fitness tips.

Expert: Billy Beck III
Bio: Personal trainer Billy Beck III has received many professional honors in recognition of his training skills. He owns BB3 Training Center in Weston, Florida.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Series Description: Now you can learn how to develop bigger wrists and pecs, stronger hamstrings, thicker triceps, a flatter stomach and other useful personal fitness tips, with or without the use of weights or other exercise equipment. A professional fitness trainer shows you the ropes in this free video series.

Building Muscles & Strength : How to Build Strength During a Full Body Workout

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A full body workout is a great way to not only get fit, but to build strength. Build strength during a full body workout with help from the founder/owner and the Director of Awesomeness at STRONG Gym in this free video clip.

Expert: William McNeely
Bio: William McNeely is founder/owner and the Director of Awesomeness at STRONG Gym.
Filmmaker: Kevin Leeper

Series Description: Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build strength or just get ripped, exercise and nutrition are two keys that can unlock your goal. Learn about weightlifting with help from the founder/owner and the Director of Awesomeness at STRONG Gym in this free video series.

💪Doctor Reveals The Only 4 Ways To Build Muscle

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Proven formula for increasing testosterone, building muscle and losing fat:

Or watch this video to increase your testosterone levels naturally:


💪Doctor Reveals The Only 4 Ways To Build Muscle
At the age of 6, when I first moved here to America from Italy – I saw my first muscle magazine and I was mesmerized by the idea of getting big, strong, muscular and lean.

Sadly, I have some crappy genetics and gaining muscle and losing fat has always been an uphill battle for me. But I’ve never given up and in the process, I’ve learned everything there is to gaining muscle and losing fat, naturally.

This also probably explains why I became an anti-aging, endocrinology doctor – which is the study of hormones.

And I’ve coached professional and Olympic athletes, including lots of bodybuilders.

So today, I’m here to pass on all of my wisdom, so you can learn from my mistakes.

I’ve simplified the entire process of gaining muscle to 4 simple and clinically proven “ingredients”.

4 Primary Ingredients For Building Muscle

Ingredient #1 – HORMONES
Before anything can be said and done, you must have the right hormones for building muscle. They need to be optimized.

We all have different genetics and please don’t compare yourself to someone else who might have great genetics and then think there’s something wrong with you.

Just as someone who is a genius and has a high IQ, some people are just born with lots of muscle cells and the perfect hormones for building muscle and losing fat.

If you don’t optimize your hormones, anything else you do will NOT work and it’ll be a waste of effort, time and money.

In fact, the right hormonal environment will make you grow muscle without doing anything – no exercise, diets or supplements.

And, this is exactly what happens when you hit puberty and all of a sudden you start getting muscular, leaner, more aggressive, hornier, etc.

It’s ALL about the hormones.

But let’s move on to the second most important ingredient and that’s EXERCISE

Ingredient #2 – EXERCISE

In order for muscle to grow, it FIRST needs to be “stimulated” and that requires exercise.
The correct form of exercise ALSO produces important hormones and growth factors, that will build muscle.

And in order to do this, you need to lift weights.

Now, this can be with dumbbells, barbells, cables, machines or your own bodyweight. It doesn’t matter.

Okay, now that you’ve stimulated the muscle, have produced the right hormones, it’s time to FEED your muscles.

Ingredient #2 – DIET
If you don’t feed your muscles, the workouts will cause you to LOSE muscle.

In fact, this is what happened to me when I first started. I thought I’d lift weights to make my muscles grow and then eat less food to lose fat.

But all I did was get smaller and weaker. I was like anorexic.

However, you don’t need that much extra food. Increase your calories by about 250-500 daily and see how you look and feel after a month. If you’re not getting fat, then good. If you are, lower the calories a little.

This has to do with YOUR body, so listen to it, pay attention.

As far as WHAT to eat. Okay… this is where all the confusion comes.

Simple, easy and effective.
Ingredient #4 – REST
Now that you’ve stimulate and fed the muscle, you need to REST it. Just like a baby, you need your rest to grow.

As far as sleep, get as much as you need. Some need 6 hours and some need 9. Go to bed before midnight and wake up naturally.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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