Archive for the tag: Building

5 Reasons Eggs Are The Best Muscle Building Food (10+ Scientific Studies)

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Whole eggs and egg whites have been a primary source of protein for many bodybuilders for a very long time, and this is for good reason. Eggs have one of the lowest energy to nutrient density ratios of any food, meaning they have high nutritional value while being very low in calories. They also contain a quality of protein that is superior to beef steak and similar to dairy. But decades of debate on whether eggs are good or bad for human consumption has put many people on the fence about consuming eggs.

FIND OUT all that and more in this video.

0:00 – Introduction
0:48 – High-Quality Protein Source
1:05 – Highest Nutrient to Energy Density
1:27 – Lowest Cost Animal Protein
1:47 – Eggs Parts Can Be Separated
1:50 – Egg Yoke Vs Egg White
2:12 – Choose Whole Eggs Vs Egg Whites or Mixing
2:27 – High in Healthy Fats
2:38 – Naturally Increasing Testosterone Levels
2:58 – Easy to Cook
3:23 – Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease
4:01 – Rocky Balboa Drinking Raw Eggs
4:08 – Egg Protein Digestibility Research on Raw Eggs Vs Cooked Eggs
4:45 – Easy to Follow Egg Recipe from Chef Enrique

In this video, we’ll discuss how egg consumption affects human health as well as the best ways to eat eggs and egg whites to support muscle growth.

A recent review reported that public health bodies, such as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and the British Heart Foundation, no longer recommend limits for egg consumption (Gray and Griffin, 2009). Instead, the emphasis for heart health is placed on controlling levels of saturated fat.

Eggs provide the richest mix of essential amino acids (Layman and Rodriguez, 2009).

To date, the most sophisticated analysis has been employed by Hu et al. (1999), whose work adjusted for age, smoking and other risk factors. The prospective, observational study, which was based on two large US cohorts, concluded that egg consumption was not significantly associated with the risk of CHD or stroke in healthy adults or those with pre-existing hypercholesterolaemia.

However, there are studies that show those with diabetes may need to limit egg consumptions, but more controlled studies on this subject are needed.

More recent research on eggs, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cholesterol has been better controlled. Within the last 15 years, 11 key studies have been published (Table VII). Of these, the majority do not support the contention that egg consumption is a risk factor for heart disease.

Using a risk apportionment model, Barraj et al. (2009) calculated that eating one egg per day accounted for under 1 per cent of CHD risk. In contrast, 40 per cent of risk was attributed to lifestyle factors (smoking, poor diet, minimal exercise, alcohol intake).

Vitamin D seems to slow cell ageing and may help prevent CVD, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and certain cancers (Ruxton and Derbyshire, 2009), while vitamin B12 may delay cognitive decline.

Dietary cholesterol can raise serum LDL levels but the overall effects are negligible compared with the LDL-raising effects of saturated fatty acids (Gray and Griffin, 2009). Consequently, the potential of eggs to increase cholesterol has little clinical importance when considered relative to other dietary and lifestyle factors (McNamara, 2002).

However, according to observational studies, individuals diagnosed with diabetes or hypercholesterolaemia may be at increased risk of CVD when egg intakes exceed seven per week (Hu et al., 1999; Qureshi et al., 2007).

References: – A Griffin, Bruce. (2016). Eggs: good or bad?. The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. -1. 1-6. – Ruxton, C.H.S. & Derbyshire, Emma & Gibson, Sigrid. (2010). The nutritional properties and health benefits of eggs. Nutrition & Food Science. 40. 263-279.

Dietary Cholesterol and the Lack of Evidence in Cardiovascular Disease:

Meta-analysis of Egg Consumption and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke:

Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies:

Dietary Cholesterol, Serum Lipids, and Heart Disease: Are Eggs Working for or Against You?

Video Credits:
Ronnie Coleman:

Cardiovascular Heart Disease:

Fresh Prince:

Egg Production:

Raw Dog Food Recipe for Building Muscle

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This BARF recipe is has been tested and proven to build muscle and boost health in dogs. The benefits of this raw diet include a shinier coat, cleaner teeth, more energy, stronger joints, smaller stools, and a faster recovery time after workouts. This diet is considered the ultimate post workout meal for dogs.

This is the ideal diet for working breeds such as Bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Bullies, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers. This recipe is designed to rebuild your dogs muscles bigger and stronger with every workout.

If you’re new to working out your dog, a few great exercises to get started are the flirt pole ( and spring pole (

This diet is recommended for dogs ages 12 weeks and older. It can be used with any breed of dog.

Please note: This recipe is not considered completed and balanced without the supplement added. GORILLA MAX MAY BE FOUND AT: The remaining ingredients may be found at your local grocery store. LIST OF INGREDIENTS: Ground Beef, Beef Kidney, Eggs (Shells included), Carrots and Romaine Lettuce.

This video was produced & directed by: Ezekiel Dickerson. Featured Bully Max Chef: Jenny Blades. Co-Producer & Editor: Walter Buchannan. Copyright Bully Max LLC, 2015. All rights reserved.
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Nala our Australian Kelpie / German Shepherd Mix eating raw frozen turkey steaks, kefir, egg, carrots, and egg shell calcium.

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17 Muscle Building Foods (BULK UP FAST!)

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These are the 17 best muscle building foods that are great for both men & women looking to gain muscle. This is also great for skinny guys to learn what kind of a diet to eat to build muscle fast. Not only will you learn how to eat to gain weight, but you’ll also burn fat and stay lean. Enjoy! Hope it helps

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Fat Loss Calculator:

Eggs – 1:08
Lean Beef – 2:06
Shrimp – 2:39
Chicken Breast – 3:04
Salmon – 3:34
Pork Tenderloin – 4:10
Protein Powder – 4:30
Tuna – 5:00
Sweet Potato – 5:42
Quinoa – 6:08
Oatmeal – 6:32
Apples – 6:57
Blueberry – 7:20
Nuts – 7:59
Beetroot – 8:50
Greek Yogurt – 9:25
Avocado –  10:05

You train hard in the gym but you don’t grow in the gym. In fact, you do the opposite. The whole goal of working out is to break down your muscles. But the end goal is to build them back up, bigger and stronger than they were before. And the way you do that is Through smart nutrition. you see You need to give your muscles the nutrients that they need to grow bigger and stronger. The right foods at the right time will fuel your body with the proteins, carbs and fats that it needs after a hard training session to pack on the solid muscle mass that you’re after. But Without eating enough of the appropriate foods you’re just going to be stuck wasting away your time and effort while seeing no results in the mirror. So Today, I’m going to share with you the 17 best foods to build muscle fast. Before, we begin, though, keep in mind that there is no one food that will magically bulk you up after a single meal. The key to building muscle is consistency, both with your training and with your eating. You want to Find the best muscle building foods that you actually

(1). Research shows that eating whole eggs provides a boost in both lean mass and strength.
(2). Beef is a great muscle building food because of its high protein, cholesterol and saturated fat count, all of which help increase testosterone levels
(3) Shrimp is very nutrient dense while being relatively low in calories, making it ideal for lean muscle growth
(4) It also contains some important vitamins and minerals that promote muscle growth
(5) This will result in greater muscle strength and better insulin sensitivity, which leads to greater protein uptake by the muscle cells
(6) A serving of tenderloin will also give you a third of your daily requirement of Vitamin B2, which helps to digest protein
(7) a protein shake right after your workout will replenish your muscles and get amino acids directly into the cells to start the rebuilding process straight away
(8) Research has found that omega-3 promotes leanness, improves heart health and slows down the loss of muscle that naturally happens as we grow older
(9) A medium sized sweet potato will give you 24 grams of carbs, 4 grams of which are fiber. It’s also packed with vitamins and minerals.
(10) Research has also shown that eating quinoa will increase levels of insulin like growth factor-1, which is critical for muscle growth
(11) Oatmeal is a complex, slow release carb that will provide you with a long-lasting source of energy (11)
(12) Apples contain polyphenols which increase muscle strength and endurance

(12.5) Free radicals may cause damage to muscle cells
(13) Research also shows that blueberries help to increase post workout recovery
(14) They’ll also boost your energy levels thanks to their levels of manganese and copper, which fight against free radicals damage to the mitochondria, which is the part of your cells that creates energy
(15) Betaine has been shown to bolster muscular strength and endurance
(16) Research done at Baylor University shows that a combination of whey and casein is the best combination to increase lean muscle mass
(17) Studies have shown that eating healthy fats like those in avocados can boost your levels of testosterone and human growth hormone, both of which are prime muscle building hormones.

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Muscle Building 101 for Men (GUARANTEED GAINS!)

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If you have been wanting to build muscle but you just haven’t been seeing the results that you have been looking for with other workouts, it is time to rethink your approach. In this video, I’m going to give you a muscle building 101 course on the most important things you need to focus on when it comes to building bigger muscles and achieving muscle hypertrophy. No gimmicks or phony shortcuts needed here. Just pure muscle building science to help you get over the hump and start packing some size on your frame.

To get you started, it is important to understand that everything comes down to just one concept and that is the intensity of your training. Now I don’t just mean how psyched up you are to tackle your next workout. I mean, in addition to that, how intensely focused are you on achieving your goal? If you are as much as you say you are, then you will realize that there are many things that need to be addressed outside of just showing up to the gym and trying hard.

It starts with a plan. No successful lifter has ever built appreciable amounts of muscle size without having a plan for getting there. I’m not just talking about knowing what you are going to do in the gym that day (although that would be a great start)! I’m talking about knowing how this workout is going to impact the next one and the next one after that. With a goal in mind you need to have a map for getting to your goal and it starts with knowing what steps you are going to take from one workout to the next.

With that in mind, it is now time to actually start lifting the weights. From here, the intensity that I hinted at in the beginning becomes crucial. Are you simply counting to 10 or 12 or are you pushing with every bit of effort with the rep count secondary? I hope it’s the latter. When it comes to training for more muscle size you need to realize that your effort will dictate everything. Overload is critical. The use of compound lifts to build up a strength base is a must in order to set the stage for growth. Your use of other techniques (like volume training) should still equate to an overall overload if the end goal is to get bigger.

This is where many people fall off the path. There is simply no way around hard work when you are trying to build muscle. Which leads us to the next point and that is, once your set is done what are you doing with your time. If you sit around and let far too much time pass between sets then you are dramatically decreasing the effectiveness of the workout. Rest times should be prescriptive and serve to keep your muscles stressed for the entire workout. They should not be looked at as times to jump on social media and take you out of the frame of mind necessary for building muscle.

In fact, some people ease into their rest periods too quickly. I believe that the use of some sort of set intensifying technique (like drop sets, forced reps, negatives, super sets, etc) is a great way to ensure that you tap into the reserves that your body was likely hanging onto that your mind was unwilling to let go. If you want to achieve greater muscle size you are going to need to interrupt that thought pattern and train harder. I always say, you can train hard or you can train long but you can’t do both.

Finally, every natural lifter knows that the only way to build bigger muscles is to allow your body to recover between workouts. This simply can’t happen if you aren’t prioritizing it. In fact, I would say that even if you get everything else right up to this point, if you screw this up, you will blow all opportunities to grow as big as possible.

If you are looking for a complete program that helps you to do each of the steps laid out here day by day, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. I will literally coach you through every single day and make sure you never forget how to apply each of these concepts to your workouts and meals. In no time, you’ll be looking like an athlete by training like one.

For more videos on how to build muscle fast and the best workout for building mass, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at
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Building Muscles & Strength : How to Build Strength During a Full Body Workout

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A full body workout is a great way to not only get fit, but to build strength. Build strength during a full body workout with help from the founder/owner and the Director of Awesomeness at STRONG Gym in this free video clip.

Expert: William McNeely
Bio: William McNeely is founder/owner and the Director of Awesomeness at STRONG Gym.
Filmmaker: Kevin Leeper

Series Description: Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build strength or just get ripped, exercise and nutrition are two keys that can unlock your goal. Learn about weightlifting with help from the founder/owner and the Director of Awesomeness at STRONG Gym in this free video series.

10 Muscle Building Mistakes (KILLING GAINS!)

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The 10 Worst ​Muscle Building Mistakes that ​you should avoid. These mistakes are common for beginners that are starting to look into how to build muscle as well as advanced. If you’re looking for the best bulking and muscle growth diet/workout you should first make sure you’re not making these mistakes

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Mistake 1 – Always Sticking to The Same Rep Range: 0:57
Mistake 2 – Undervaluing The Importance of Food: 2:53
Mistake 3 – Having Too Low of a Meal Frequency (Intermittent Fasting): 4:24
Mistake 4 – Overvaluing Supplementation: 5:44
Mistake 5 – Not Trying to Develop Neuromuscular Connection: 6:52
Mistake 6 – Working Out Too Much: 7:39
Mistake 7 – Avoiding Intense Weight Training Sessions: 8:57
Mistake 8 – Not Switching Up Your Training Style (Drop, super, tri sets): 9:58
Mistake 9 – Not Realizing Barbells and Dumbbells Are THE BEST: 10:48
Mistake 10 – Not Allowing Your Gains to Stack Up: 11:27

I’ve spent years trying to build muscle naturally and let me start by saying it’s not easy. There’s so much misinformation out there on how to build muscle as a natural and even if you were to find the right information there’s so much of it that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not take action. I felt that first hand as ive gone through phases where my goal was to strictly be as bulky as possible and other phases where the goal was to get as lean as possible. Over the years of going through dirty bulks, clean bulks, cutting phases, trying different supplements, as well as constantly modifying my workout plan I went through a lot of trial and error. And I want you to avoid making the same mistakes that I did so you can see results as fast as possible by focusing on the things that truly matter when it comes to building muscle while ignoring the rest. So today I want to go over the 5 biggest muscle building mistakes that you’re probably making that are preventing you from seeing the gains you deserve. Let’s jump right In and start with the biggest workout related mistake that beginners and advanced people make. Always sticking to the same rep range. There is a rep range that is believed to better for building muscle and even though there’s a lot of debate about what the best rep range is most people will agree that it falls somewhere between 6 to 12 reps. The best results that I noticed were always within a narrower rep range of 5 or 6 to 8 reps. However by constantly sticking to this same rep range you’re going to have a lot of trouble making progress especially after you’re no longer a beginner and results start slowing down. This is why you want to spend time with three different rep ranges low moderate and high. Your moderate rep range could be 6 to 8 reps. Your low rep range wlcould be roughly 3 to 4 reps and your high rep range could be 12 to 15 reps. You would spend two to three weeks working on each rep range and you would do this because each rep range has benefits that will transfer over to the other rep ranges helping you get stronger and build muscle faster. The three to four rep range allows you to lift a much heavier weight which will then make the weight that you were using for your moderate and higher rep ranges a lot easier allowing you to lift heavier weights for those rep ranges as well. With a high rep range of 12 15 or even 20 reps you’ll be increasing your endurance and your body will adapt to an increased production of lactic acid. This will help you squeeze out extra reps at the moderate rep range and even the low rep range with the very heavyweight. Breaking up your work out into periods of low moderate and high rep ranges is known as periodization and this will allow you to continuously increase the intensity of your workouts in the shortest amount of time possible ultimately leading to some very impressive results. Your body is very good at adapting and periodization is a great way to constantly keep it guessing which is a big plus when it comes to building muscle. The next mistake is undervaluing the importance of food. If you happen to be a hardgainer you have to eat a lot of food to build muscle. if you’re not a hardgainer you still have to eat a lot of food to just not as much. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and due to our biology and the way that we’ve evolved our bodies try to conserve energy whenever they can to ensure that we don’t starve. So from an energy conservation standpoint your body doesn’t want to build muscle and you’re going to have to force it into growth.
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Check out our Old School Muscle program overview →
See our 5 Best Muscle Building Exercises →
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If you want to know how long does it take to build muscle, then this is the video and guide for you.

We dive right into everything you need to know about building muscle in your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s and over, including nutrition, exercise, sleep and supplementation.

To get started right away on this great information, you can read the full article right here →


The Men’s Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

For more great workout, fat loss, and muscle building tips for busy fathers, visit our blog here:
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Top 10 Muscle Building Tips for BEGINNERS

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The Top 10 BEST Muscle Building Tips for Beginners & skinny guys. Learn how to build muscle with these workout and diet tips. Also discover easy ways to gain muscle mass that can help whether you’re a “fat guy” or a “hardgainer.” Enjoy the video!

🔥 FREE 6 Week Challenge:

Fat Loss Calculator:

#1 Tip: Incorporate Periodization 1:13
#2 Tip: Increase Meal Frequency 3:29
#3 Tip: Increase Carb Consumption 4:59
#4 Tip: Increasing Intensity Overtime 6:39
#5 Tip: Increase Training Frequency 7:28
#6 Tip: Split Training Style 8:14
#7 Tip: Borderline Failure W/Every Set 9:05
#8 Tip: Incorporate Training Styles 9:47
#9 Tip: Stick to Mostly Compound Exercises 10:30
#10 Tip: Supplementation 11:19

It’s no secret that it takes time to build muscle but what if you could do it faster by working smarter rather than harder. Well that’s exactly what i want to go over today the 5 biggest & best muscle building tips for beginners & naturals. You might be thinking well who the heck are you to be giving me tips on building muscle & that’s a very fair question. Afterall i spend most of the time on this channel talking about fat loss but my experience in fitness is firmly rooted in natural bodybuilding. I took myself from being a chubby teenager with hardly any muscle to a 230 pound fitness model & I did it all naturally. So if you want to learn how to build muscle using steroids there are probably way better sources out there but if you want to learn how to do it naturally give this video a chance because I spent over 10 years focusing on finding the fastest ways to build muscle, & in the process of opening 3 gyms I also prepped a lot of men & women for natural bodybuilding & bikini competitons. So today I want to give you all my most guarded muscle building secrets for free. I’m also going to do my best to make all these tips unique so it’s not going to be the same old stuff that you’ve heard over & over again like simply telling you to eat more protein. With that said let’s start with the very first tip which is to incorporate periodization. If done correctly this is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your muscle strength & size consistently. In a nutshell periodization is the systematic breakdown of your training plan over the course of time & it will include micro meso & macro Cycles. Which will esentially break down your training plan in to weeks months & years. But instead of explaining to you every possible way that you could incorporate different cycles of periodization I’d rather give you guys a simple actionable plan to consistently make progress using the exact periodization strategy that helped me the most. Youre gonna start by finding out what maximal weight load you can lift for each of your compound exercises for roughly 9 to 10 reps. This means that if you select a weight that you can do for 11 reps you should up that weight & the same goes vice versa if you select a weight that’s too heavy & you can only do it for 7 reps drop the weight. You’re going to stick this rep range for 2 to 3 weeks straight & you’re going to try to increase the weight that you’re using over the course of these two to three weeks again staying within that 9 to 10 rep range. After those two to three weeks are over you’re going to switch to a rep range of 5 to 7 reps. Again find the maximum weight you could do for that rep range which should obviously be more weight than what you were doing for 9 to 10 reps. Now you’re going to stick to this new rep range for another two to three weeks once again trying to up the weight whenever you can as long as you stay Within that 5 to 7 rep range. Finally after youre done with those weeks you’re going to do a rep range of 3 reps for all those compound exercises again for two to 3 weeks before switching back to the original 9 to 10 rep range. When you come back to the 9 to 10 rep range you’ll notice that you were significantly stronger & able to lift more weight. And you just continuously work through these Cycles. Every time you come back to an old rep range you want to try to increase your weight load even if it’s by 2.5 lbs. This method helped me break through some of my biggest plateaus that I’ve experienced with building muscle. Literally do exactly that & I promise you won’t be disappointed with your results. Let’s move on to the second tip increase meal frequency. Now I know this goes against my typical advice that I give for fat loss. For fat loss meal frequency doesn’t matter that much but building muscle requires a lot of calories especially if youre struggling with building muscle you’re going to need a lot of food. The only way that you’re going to be able to eat enough throughout the day is by eating more often.
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