Archive for the tag: Exercise

Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercise – Resistance Band Pulls

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Here’s a simple resistance band drill you can use a a hip flexor strengthening exercise. Runners like us often talk about tight hip flexors, and spend time stretching hip flexor muscles like iliopsoas, and rectus femoris… but it’s important to remember that sometimes muscles get tight because they are weak. This is a great exercise to build strength in your hip flexors.





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Music by Epidemic Sound:


ABOUT ME: I’m a runner, sports rehabilitation specialist and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I’ve been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics has become a geeky little passion of mine!


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Here’s a simple exercise you can use for hip flexor strengthening and to develop core control using a regular resistance band. Try 3 sets of 1 minute alternating the right and left legs throughout the minute.

Remember: technique is everything!


Anaerobic Exercise

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A.Y. 2017-2018

Have you ever wondered the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? Are the pushups a type of exercise? Find out about this and more with these tips
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What is Anaerobic Exercise? Benefits of Anaerobic training and workouts

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Once upon a time, for me, the word ‘aerobic,’ made me think of sweaty middle aged ladies in leotards.

…and as for anerobic….some kind of fancy dress?

It turns out that they are actually two different ways of exercising and each gives its own distinct benefit.

Let’s first look at aerobic exercise. When we exercise aerobically, our muscles are using oxygen as their main fuel source. Seeing as oxygen is all around us we can, in theory, exercise for hours on end as long as we top up that fuel with food and water.

Typically, aerobic exercise takes place between 40 and 65% of our maximum heart rates. In cycling terms this is could be when we are spinning light gears and taking things reasonably easy.

The benefit of aerobic exercise is that it improves our cardiovascular systems and burns fat. Happy days.

Once we start exceeding 65% of our max heart rate we begin exercising anaerobically. This is when our bodies begin supplementing some of that oxygen fuel source with the glycogen stored in our muscles. The further towards our maximum heart rates we go, the less oxygen and the more glycogen we use. Unlike oxygen, glycogen is in limited supply so we can’t exercise at this level for very long.

Hard riding, climbing and all out sprints are all examples of cycling anaerobically. The benefit of this type of riding is stronger muscles and improved speed. You’ll certainly know when you’ve been exercising anaerobically because your muscles will ache the day after. This is due to a build up of lactic acid which is a by-product of glycogen as it is used as by the body.

Typically, a good training plan will use both kinds of exercise; aerobic at first to build general fitness and then increasing levels of anaerobic to build speed and endurance.

A good heart rate monitor will help you to measure your efforts and ensure you are in the correct zone. I’ve already posted a film explaining this so please take a look.

If you would like to follow my efforts on the bike you can follow me on Strava. My profile is here:

You are also very welcome to join my virtual cycling club on Strava. By sharing our rides we can help and encourage each other to reach our fitness goals.

You can join the club here:

and the Chernobyl Cycling Club Facebook group here: Social Media

Twitter: @jollyvelo
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The Difference Between Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise – Is One Better for Weight Loss?

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The Difference Between Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise - Is One Better for Weight Loss?

Discover the difference here along with top fitness resources for men:
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** The Difference Between Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise – Is One Better for Weight Loss? **

Have you ever wondered about the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? What are the main distinctions, what are the different benefits, and what should you use more of for something like fat loss? Well, in this video we’re going to cover all that along with some actual exercise examples within each to help you answer the question which is better for you right now. Enjoy!

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise Differences Overview (0:29)

Before we look at any specific benefits, we need to first have a general understanding of what each is. Aerobic translates to ‘with oxygen’, meaning any exercise within this category can be sufficiently fueled by breathing alone. As a good rule of thumb, if you can talk while doing an exercise, it’s generally aerobic.

Here’s a great heart rate calculator to determine your aerobic heart rate:

On the flip side, anaerobic means without oxygen. These are higher intensity exercises like lifting, circuit training and anything where regular breathing alone is not enough to fuel the exercise.

What are the Different Fuel Sources Between Aerobic & Anaerobic? (2:20)

So what does this basic distinction mean for the benefits of each?. Well, during aerobic exercise, your body primarily draws from fat along with carbs to fuel movement. But when we kick into anaerobic exercise, our body can no longer burn fat for sufficient energy and looks more towards carbs, amino acids, and even lactate acid.

What are the Benefits of Each (3:20)

Now, this doesn’t mean that anaerobic exercise does not burn fat. Even though it doesn’t burn fat off as a primary source of energy, as you’ll discover, it has some long-term fat burning benefits that are great for weight loss.

How to Pick Between the Two: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic (4:18)

So when it comes down to it, both types of exercise can have amazing benefits for any area of fitness. So the question really comes down to what is going to work better for your personality and schedule? Do you gravitate more towards shorter, high-intensity exercise or are you a fan of taking longer walks/hikes? That being said, there are some specific benefits to each that we’ll cover more in this video.

The General Overview (6:03)

Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men’s Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.

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