Archive for the tag: Minutes

3 Exercises for TIGHT Hip Flexors & Back Pain in 5 Minutes!

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3 Exercises for TIGHT Hip Flexors & Back Pain in 5 Minutes!

How to UNLOCK Your Tight Hip Flexors Today!

Do THESE 3 Exercises no matter where you are and get instant relief in your tight hips in 5 minutes! That may sound far fetched but I promise you it’s not. I sit for a living at a computer but I’m sure to do these 3 moves to give my hips and lower back some instant relief.

This bent over, partial fetal position that we find ourselves in most hours of the day is not ideal for our body’s design. We are meant to be vertical and moving around all day long OR horizontal at rest with some ‘occasional’ sitting…not 8+ hours per day!!!

Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj dropped by the CriticalBench Compound to show Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson some of the best and easiest movements to help UNLOCK his tight hips.

Let’s face it, the center of our body is not what it once was…. People stood more and walked around more hundreds and thousands of years ago. The center of our body used to be loose, strong and healthy. Life demanded it to be that way.

Now we cause our hips and lower back stress by sitting so much, not being active every day and forcing our hip flexors to be shortened which leads to TIGHTNESS and discomfort. And this sets off a chain reaction because the hip flexors and lower back area directly affect each other.

The more we engage our lower back and glute area, the more we stretch our hip flexors and we attain BALANCED strength from front to back. Do these 3 moves to regain some balance in your body.

Why Stretching WON’T Make You Flexible – FREE pdf

FREE pdf – The 5-Minute Glute Workout

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Strengthen Your Core in 5 Minutes

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Get washboard abs in no time and feel confident in your bathing suit. Celebrity personal trainer, Joel Harper, developed a five minute fitness series just for you.

Physical Therapist demonstrates 2 unsafe abdominal core exercises to avoid with prolapse from

What is the Problem with Intense Abdominal Core Exercises and Prolapse?

Intense core abdominal exercises create downward pressure onto the pelvic floor. If the pelvic floor is weak it is forced downwards.
Many women with prolapse problems have weak or poorly functioning pelvic floor muscles.

2 Abdominal Exercises to Avoid or Modify for Prolapse Protection

Abdominal Exercise 1: Forward Plank

Forward Plank is an abdominal core exercise for strengthening core abdominal and spinal muscles.

Forward Plank is usually performed bearing body weight through the forearms and the balls of the feet. Forward Plank involves intensely contracting the strong Rectus Abdominis muscles that can force the pelvic floor down when strongly activated.

How to Modify Forward Plank

Forward Plank can be modified to reduce the pressure it creates within the abdomen. Some women avoid the Forward Plank until their pelvic floor muscles are strong enough to withstand this exercise or modify the exercise to reduce the load on the pelvic floor.
Avoid the Forward Plank or Modified Plank if you notice prolapse symptoms with this exercise.

Modified Forward Plank Technique:

*Start lying down on your abdomen with your elbows bent and forearms on the mat
*Gently activate your deep abdominal muscles
*Draw your shoulder blades together and slightly down
*Activate your pelvic floor muscles before and throughout this exercise
*Keep your knees and feet in contact with the mat
*Raise your hips and trunk off the mat
*Avoid holding your breath
*Hold this position briefly and return your body back down to starting position.

Abdominal Exercise 2: The Hundred Pilates Exercise

The Hundred exercise is a Pilates exercise that strongly activates the abdominal muscles especially Rectus Abdominis when the head is raised forwards off the ground.

How to Modify The Hundred

This exercise can be easily modified to reduce pressure on the pelvic floor:

*Start lying on your back with your knees bent
*Keep your head down in contact with the mat for this entire exercise
*Gently activate your deep abdominal muscles
*Avoid raising both legs in the air simultaneously
*Instead, raise one bent leg above your body so your hip and knee are at right angles
*Lower your leg back to starting position keeping your abdominal muscles gently activated
*Breathe throughout this exercise

To Increase Challenge

Make this exercise more challenging y by slowly lowering the raised leg towards the ground and then raising it back above the body maintaining the normal inwards curve in your lower back as you do so.

These are some examples of the intense abdominal exercises to avoid with prolapse and how to modify them.

For more information on Prolapse Exercises refer to Michelle’s book at

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Intense Ab Workout | 7 Minutes (FOLLOW ALONG!)

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If you want to develop six pack abs you may think that you have to spend hours a day trying to get one. That is not the case at all. If you are able to commit to a consistent but short effort you will be amazed at how much better your abs could look in a short period of time when combined with a focused attention to what you eat as well.

In this video, I have a short 7 minute ab workout for you to do along with me. As you will see and feel, an ab workout does not have to be long to be effective. As a matter of fact, I would probably say that the longer the ab workout goes, the less effective it becomes. The key to this working is that it is short enough to allow you to do it on a regular basis without having to fight to schedule it into your day.

Remember, the key to getting a six pack is consistency. Now, don’t think that just because you might be doing the same set of exercises that it is becoming less effective. It is not. The choice of ab exercises in this workout is broad enough so as to cover all of the major functions of the abs. There are bottom up movements that better hit the lower abs. There are rotational movements that are initiated from the bottom up and the top down to really hit the rotation capabilities of the core muscles.

There are also top down movements where the shoulders are lifted off of the ground as opposed to the legs, which are situated at the end of the workout to allow you to keep training your abs when they are fatigued. When there are purposeful ab exercises in your workouts they do not have to be long.

The point of this video is to give you a follow along ab workout that you can do anywhere. There are no special pieces of equipment needed to do this. All you need is your body and some space on the floor. You might actually need a bit more than that, and that would be a heavy dose of determination to try and resist the burn of these exercises as you do them. Remember, the pain from ab training is usually only temporary. As soon as finish the exercise and the lactic acid starts to clear the abdominal muscles, you feel normal again.

See if you can follow the entire ab workout along with me, resting when I do. If you need extra rest for some reason, don’t be bashful – take it. Maybe you can only do 40 seconds of one of the 60 second exercises. That’s ok, do what you can and rest for the remainder of that exercise. As you get stronger on these you will be able to do the whole thing without extra rest. Here is the ab workout as follows:

Seated Ab Circles Left x 60 seconds
Seated Ab Circles Right x 60 seconds
Drunken Mountain Climbers x 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Marching Planks x 60 seconds
Scissors x 60 seconds
Starfish Crunch x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Russian V Tuck Twists x 30 seconds

So there is an ab workout you can do at home with no equipment that will get you started on getting that six pack you’ve always wanted. If you want to speed up the process you will want to make sure your diet is in place as well. If you want a step by step meal plan to get you ripped fast, head to http:/ and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System.

For more ab workout videos that you can follow for a six pack, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at and be sure to turn on notifications so you never miss when something new is posted.

6 PACK ABS workouts you can do anywhere if you are a beginner. Try these workouts when starting to build ABS!

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