Archive for the tag: Pain

Hip Flexor Pain | Strain | Tendinitis | Tendinopathy Rehab (Iliopsoas Strength & Mobility Exercises)

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Hip Flexor Pain | Strain | Tendinitis | Tendinopathy Rehab (Iliopsoas Strength & Mobility Exercises)

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Struggling with hip flexor-related groin pain associated with running, kicking, sprinting, and/or playing sports? Check out this video to learn everything you need to know about rehabbing the iliopsoas and rectus femoris!

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Intro (0:00)
Anatomy & Function (0:08)
Diagnosis (0:38)
Load Management & Activity Modifications (3:32)
Exercise Progressions (4:08)
Summary (6:07)

Disclaimer: The information presented is not intended as medical advice or to be a substitute for medical counseling but intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are experiencing pain, please seek the appropriate healthcare professional.
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Back pain from tight hip flexors?

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Do the hip flexors cause back pain? Is it the only cause of back pain? Matt and Josh share a story of client who had persistent back pain despite many different attempts to cure it.

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Hip and Groin Pain – HIP FLEXOR TIGHTNESS!

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Suffering from hip and groin pain?
Hip and groin pain is one of the most common problem we see in the clinic
If you are an officworker/ gamer that sits for a long time, a person who loves riding and/or a person who drives a lot.
Hip flexor will be tight because you are putting them in a shortened position all the time. Which can lead to hip and groin pain experience.
People that are more prone to hip flexor tightness:
People that have occupations that involve prolonged periods of sitting are prone to hip flexor tightness as the hips are in a sustained flexed position during sitting. People that engage in regular exercise such as running and cycling are also more prone to tight hip flexors. Sportspeople playing kicking sports such as soccer and football are also more likely to experience excessive flexor tightness as the kicking motion involves repetitive hip flexion movements.
The consequences of tight hip flexors:
Tight hip flexors can be a local source of pain around the hip joint which can be present during prolonged periods of sitting or during sporting activities that utilise the hip flexor muscles. Excessive tightness of the hip flexors can change lumbo-pelvic posture as it pulls the pelvis into an anteriorly tilted position. Increased anterior pelvic tilt increases the curve within the lumbar spine (lordosis) which in turn can cause the facet joint of the lumbar spine to be compressed more and tighten up surrounding back extensor muscles such as the erector spinae; this can lead to associated lower back pain.
Tight hip flexors and altered alignment of the pelvis can also lead to over-activity of the hip flexor muscles and altered neuromuscular activity of the gluteal and core muscles which can further be a source of hip pain.

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Melanie The Physio is a licensed Physiotherapist in Australia; however, this content (the video, description, links and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical or physical condition. It is not intended to substitute for professional physiotherapy consultation or individually assessed medical advice and should be taken with caution and at your own risk. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this video.
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There are many manual techniques that a physiotherapist can perform that simply cannot be replicated by your own. If these techniques are not done correctly or are done without proper diagnosis and/ or guidance, they could make things worse. If any of these techniques are causing more discomfort, STOP immediately and seek guidance from your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you have regarding your health or medical condition.
It is important to remember that the human body is the product of a whole conglomeration of factors. Comprehensive and reliable diagnosis of all movement and body characteristics is a complex process that facilitates the identification of the sources of problems and their nature and therefore, the diagnosis should only be performed by a person with broad professional training who specializes in diagnosing and treating medical issues. Diagnosis or treatment without individual consultation by a suitable medical professional may lead to incorrect conclusions in the diagnosis and in the treatment processes.

Definition: “Company” – Capital Physiotherapy PTY LTD including but not solely limited to Capital Physiotherapy PTY LTD website and “Melanie The Physio” YouTube Channel, “Ask Mel The Physio” Facebook page or any of our channel avenue.

Theraband set (AUD) (US) (UK)
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Are you suffering from hip flexor pain? In this video, I’m Sharing with you the Best Self Test for Hip Flexor Pain (Groin Pain). This self test will help you determine if you’re suffering from tight hip flexors and if so, how to stretch them.

Hip flexor pain is a common problem that can seriously impact your everyday life. If you’re suffering from hip flexor pain, then this self test is a great way to determine if you need to see a doctor. If you’re not sure if you have hip flexor pain, then take this self test and find out!

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Costa Mesa, CA

[Performance Place website low back article excerpt] Hip flexor pain can wreak havoc on your love for running. Many of us run for weight loss or because it’s something we feel we “need to do” to be healthy. But not Julie. She simply loved the act of running!

A 10-minute marathon runner in her mid-40s, Julie would typically run five days per week. Some days she would run in track groups, rising to the challenge when her friends motivated her to get faster. Other times, she relished the solitude of solo runs.

Running was Julie’s “fix.” So when a cluster of symptoms started keeping her from doing what she loved, she knew she needed to take action. She came to Performance Place® Sports Care after seven months of unsuccessful attempts at treating the pain. I knew a detailed examination and proper guidance on how to decrease her symptoms would get her on the right track.

How It All Started
About 10 months ago, Julie began to notice hip flexor and sit bone pain when she ran. Since she didn’t do anything to create it, she thought it would go away on its own—just like most of her minor running-related issues had in the past.

But this time was different.

Soon, her hip flexor and sit bone were starting to ache at the very first step of her morning run, causing her pain for the entire duration. Her sit bone region would feel aggravated all day, especially exacerbated when she sat for long periods of time at work. The pain weighed on Julie’s mind. She wondered what she could do to make it go away.

When Julie couldn’t stand the aching any longer, she decided to take a break from running for a few days. Her hip flexor pain stopped, so she made the difficult decision of not running for two weeks.

Although it was painful to give up running, she hoped the pause would give the condition time to improve. And it did—until she hit the track again.

Just one minute into Julie’s first run in weeks, the pain surged back in full force. Frustrated, she decided to seek help.

What Didn’t Work
Julie started by exploring the typical healthcare route. But she quickly became irritated when her primary care doctor suggested rest and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. She had already tried rest, to no avail, and she didn’t like the idea of medication. Her doctors thought she could have a labral tear in her hip, hip impingement or hip arthritis.

Unsatisfied, Julie searched for a better solution.

Her next stop was to see a physical therapist who was highly recommended by one of her friends. Physical therapy was covered by Julie’s insurance, minus deductible and copay, so she decided to give it a try.

Under her physical therapist’s guidance, Julie tried to remedy her problems with a daily 15-minute routine consisting of stretching, glute strengthening and hip mobility drills. As her inpatient care, she received tool-assisted soft tissue work. But despite two months of diligently following this plan, her sit bone was still tender while sitting at work. And she still hadn’t returned to running.

Frustrated by the lack of progress, Julie continued searching for a real solution.

Next, she visited a chiropractor suggested by a friend whose sciatica and hip pain had improved under his care. Julie received adjustments and soft tissue work two times per week, which was covered partially by her insurance. But after three months, she saw little improvement.

#selftestforhipflexorpain #hippain #california
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Hip Flexor Stretch – Free Up Hips & Reduce Lower Back Pain

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Hip Flexor Stretch - Free Up Hips & Reduce Lower Back Pain

Use this Psoas (hip flexor) stretch to open up front of hip. Great for those who sit a lot (computers, driving etc.) this is fantastic to do daily. Psoas is often implicated in lower back pain, diaphragm issues, pelvic pain, hip pain and leg issues.

FIX LOWER BACK PAIN By Deactivating Your Hip Flexors! | Mind Pump

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Tight hip flexors can lead to back pain and poor ab development. The movement described in this video deactivates the hip flexors and allows for optimal ab development and alleviation of back pain.

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To do this exercise, find a prop to put your heels up. Lay your back on the floor and put heels on the bench. We are going to take advantage of a phenomenon known as “Reciprocal Inhibition” which sums up to when one muscle is flexed, the muscle on the opposite side tends to relax.

To begin hover your back off the floor and squeeze your glutes. Imagine that you are pulling your upper thighs in, to create inward tension. With glutes squeezed, maintain this squeeze, and do a crunch. At first it will feel weird but continue to reach forward and preform a crunch. This is a slow correctional exercise, so 2 seconds up, 2 second hold, 2 seconds down. Breath out on the way up, and inhale on the way down.

You know you are doing this right if you feel it in your glutes and your abdominals. Make sure to raise your glutes throughout the entirety of the exercise, and maintain hips of the ground.




#hipflexors #abs
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Is A Tight Psoas Muscle Causing Your Low Back or Hip Pain? Stretches & Exercises For Hip Flexors.

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The psoas muscle is part of the hip flexors. These muscles play a key role in creating or relieving low back pain depending if they are tight or loose.

Dr. Ryan Winslow gives an overview of the muscle and then presents several stretches and exercises to help lengthen and strengthen the psoas muscle and hip flexors.

The tools used in this video are:
1: 2″x10″ loop resistance band
2: TheraBand loop stretching strap
3: Pso-Rite

Stretches to help lengthen the psoas muscle and improve hip extension:
1: Runner’s stretch. Perform 30s/side, repeat 3 times.
2: Couch/Table stretch. Perform 30s/side, repeat 3 times.
3: McKenzie extension/Cobra pose. Perform 25 reps, holding for 3-5 each rep, repeat 3x/day.
4: Strap stretch. Hold for up to 2 minutes/side, repeat 1-2 times.

Exercises to build psoas function while enhancing the core and glutes:
1: Dead Bug. Set a timer for 1:00, hold each side for 5-10 seconds, repeat exercise 3 times.
2: Psoas Band March. Set a timer for 1:00, hold each side for 5-15 seconds, repeat exercise 3 times
3: Glute Bridge. Perform 15-30 reps per set, perform 3 sets.

Direct release is performed using the pso-rite tool.
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How To Stretch Your Hips- Essential If You Have Low Back Pain

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The Precision Wellbeing Group is a multi-disciplinary health & wellbeing clinic based in North Finchley, London, specialising in Injuries, Chronic Health Conditions and Weight Management.

In this video Ashley shows you his favourite ways to stretch your hips. Tight hips are very common in people with lower back pain. By reducing the inflexibility in your hips this will also help reduce the tension in your lower back.

Give these a try and let us know how you get on with them.
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Low Back Pain: Hip Flexors Tightness – Contributing Factor

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Low Back Pain: Hip Flexors Tightness - Contributing Factor

Dr Ozello’s Sports Medicine Report: Low Back Pain: Contributing Factor: Hip Flexors Muscle Tightness (AKA Hypertonicity)

***Disclaimer: Viewing this video does not take the place of seeing a medical professional or working with a fitness professional. Please visit a medical professional for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. Please work with a fitness professional to learn proper exercise technique and to develop a proper training program. Never perform an exercise that elicits or intensifies symptoms. If an exercise elicits or intensifies symptoms, stop immediately and use a viable substitute.

Low Back Pain (LBP) is one of the common health problems worldwide. It affects approximately 80% of people at some stage in their lifetimes.
LBP is a major cause of disability.

The primary hip flexor muscle is the iliopsoas muscle. It is a combination of the psoas major and iliacus muscles. The powerful psoas major muscle originates on the side of several vertebrae in the lower back and runs inferior to the femur. The iliacus muscle originates on the front of the pelvis. These two strong muscles combine and then attach to the lesser trochanter of the femur (Located on the proximal medial aspect of the femur.)
The hip flexor muscles contract to raise the anterior thigh toward the chest. This motion is called hip flexion.

Psoas Major:
Origin: Transverse processes of T12-L5, anteromedial aspect of all the lumbar discs and adjoining vertebral bodies except the L5/S1 disc.
Insertion: Lesser Trochanter of the Femur. Shares a common insertion with the Iliacus.
Innervation: Lumbar Plexus via anterior branches of L1-L3.
Actions: Hip flexion.
Iliopsoas: The psoas major unites with the iliacus at the level of the inguinal ligament.
Crosses the hip joint and inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur.

Proper static stretching will reduce muscle tension, increase flexibility and improve joint motion. The best static stretches for the hip flexors are the standing quadriceps stretch and the kneeling hip flexor stretch.

Standing Quadriceps Stretch: Stand up straight and support yourself by holding a stable structure. Reach backward with your left hand and grab your left ankle. Pull your left heel toward your buttocks, then slowly pull your thigh backwards. Find a comfortable position where you feel a light stretch in your hip flexor and hold it. Then perform the same stretch for the opposite leg. Next, use your right arm to stretch the left leg. Using your opposite hand helps to stretch the hip flexor muscles at a slightly different angle.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch: Kneel down on one knee. If needed you can place one hand on a sturdy chair or exercise bench. The front hip and knee should be flexed to ninety degrees with the foot flat on the floor. Hold your spine straight and keep your neck in line with your spine. Exhale and slowly slide your upper body forward until you feel a light stretch in the hip flexor of the back leg. Reach upward with the arm of the side being stretched. Slowly bend to the opposite side. This increases the hip flexor stretch. Hold a comfortable stretch.
Perform static stretches for the hip flexors to decrease muscle tension and improve flexibility. Help prevent and manage hip flexor and quadriceps strains with proper stretching technique.

When lying supine or lying on your side place the hip flexors in a position that reduces their pull on the bones which they connect. Place a pillow or specially made leg wedge under your knees when lying face up. A pillow or leg wedge under the knees will help bend the hips and knees. This position relaxes the hip flexors and reduces their pull on the spine, pelvis and hips.
When side-lying, bend your hips and knees and place a small pillow between your knees. The flexed hip & knee position decreases hip flexor muscle tension. Placing a small pillow or specially made leg separator between the knees reduces the pull on the lateral aspect of the thigh and hip.

Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV
Web Site:
“Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries”

Hip Flexor Strength and Low Back Pain, Fix It Quick | Trevor Bachmeyer | SmashweRx

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5 Hip Flexor/Psoas Release Techniques |  End Back Pain , Bad Posture , Tight Hips

This is a great way to help stretch out your tight hips they may have effected your posture , lower back and even causing you pain . Do these at a comfortable intensity and try not to hurt yourself.

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yoga , activ chiropractic , fitness faqs , crossfit , posture , athlean x , activ chriopractic activ , stretch , iliopsoas , psoas , flexion , hip flexor pain , hip flexor , hip flexor .
yoga , activ chiropractic , fitness faqs , crossfit , posture , athlean x , activ chriopractic activ , stretch , iliopsoas , psoas , flexion , hip flexor pain , hip flexor , hip flexor .

5 Hip Flexor/Psoas Release Techniques | End Back Pain , Bad Posture , Tight Hips
5 Hip Flexor/Psoas Release Techniques | End Back Pain , Bad Posture , Tight Hips
5 Hip Flexor/Psoas Release Techniques | End Back Pain , Bad Posture , Tight Hips
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3 Exercises for TIGHT Hip Flexors & Back Pain in 5 Minutes!

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3 Exercises for TIGHT Hip Flexors & Back Pain in 5 Minutes!

How to UNLOCK Your Tight Hip Flexors Today!

Do THESE 3 Exercises no matter where you are and get instant relief in your tight hips in 5 minutes! That may sound far fetched but I promise you it’s not. I sit for a living at a computer but I’m sure to do these 3 moves to give my hips and lower back some instant relief.

This bent over, partial fetal position that we find ourselves in most hours of the day is not ideal for our body’s design. We are meant to be vertical and moving around all day long OR horizontal at rest with some ‘occasional’ sitting…not 8+ hours per day!!!

Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj dropped by the CriticalBench Compound to show Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson some of the best and easiest movements to help UNLOCK his tight hips.

Let’s face it, the center of our body is not what it once was…. People stood more and walked around more hundreds and thousands of years ago. The center of our body used to be loose, strong and healthy. Life demanded it to be that way.

Now we cause our hips and lower back stress by sitting so much, not being active every day and forcing our hip flexors to be shortened which leads to TIGHTNESS and discomfort. And this sets off a chain reaction because the hip flexors and lower back area directly affect each other.

The more we engage our lower back and glute area, the more we stretch our hip flexors and we attain BALANCED strength from front to back. Do these 3 moves to regain some balance in your body.

Why Stretching WON’T Make You Flexible – FREE pdf

FREE pdf – The 5-Minute Glute Workout

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